We are happy to welcome you to linthikes.com, your source of information about the exciting world of mobile apps. We aim to give you a complete immersion in this dynamic field and help you choose the best apps for the iOS and Android platforms.

We research, describe, and rank various mobile apps so that you can make advised decisions when choosing the right apps for your needs and goals. Our team of experts scrutinizes each app, analyzing its functionality, usability, design, and user feedback. We also follow the latest news in mobile technology and keep you informed about the most interesting and relevant developments.

About me

My name is Naomi Lurie, and I’m a diet app analyst. Over the course of my career, I’ve tested and analyzed over a hundred healthy eating and fitness apps. One of the most memorable moments of my experience occurred when I was actively consulting with the developers of one of the now popular calorie counting apps. I found a way to improve the interface by adding visual cues and charts, which resulted in a 30% increase in user retention. This work allowed me to not only gain a deeper understanding of my users’ needs, but also to make a real contribution to their healthy lifestyles. My approach is based on detailed analytics and a genuine desire to help people change their habits for the better.